Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Problems That Relate to Computer Virus

Computer viruses cause many problems for business and personal computers and their users. Viruses can cause large amounts of damage, from computer errors to data theft. Protect yourself and identify them early by looking for the following problems evident in your system.

Slow Computer

Viruses slow down your computer operation. Start up, normal operations and even Internet browsing may be affected.

When a computer freezes, there is a good chance your system has been infected with a virus. Restart your computer to see if the problem persists. A virus is the likely culprit if this isn't a one-time problem.

Verify that drivers, especially for new hardware, are up to date, if your system is crashing. A virus may be the cause if the problem continues.
Printing Issues

Scan your system for viruses, especially if you lose the ability to print and your printer appears online.
Anti-virus Software Disabled

Check if your anti-virus software has been disabled. Many viruses have the potential to disable such security software if not detected quickly enough.

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